
Our Adult Ministries here at North River Church are centered around our system of small groups, called Growth Groups. Our Growth Groups meet a diverse array of interests and demographics and meet at many times throughout the week as well as during our worship services.  

We believe that Growth Groups are where real discipleship and growth happen. You can learn a lot from a worship service, but true knowledge comes from the application of what you have learned, and that happens in Growth Groups. Want to see a list of all our Growth Groups and their meeting times and subjects? Just Click Here.

Men's Ministry

We desire for the Men's Ministry to be an opportunity for the Men of NRC to be what God has called them to be. We will have opportunities for the Men to gather for fellowship, accountability, and service. The Men's Ministry is a place for men to be encouraged and motivated to continually be transformed into the image of Christ.

If you would like more information on the Men's Ministry, contact Stephen Burks.

Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry provides unique fellowship, service, and worship opportunities throughout the year to help bridge our Growth Groups together. Our Women's Minister, Mackenzie Chichester, provides leadership to our Women’s Ministry. For more information you can email Mackenzie.

Our Women's Ministry Team Captain, Leah Shaw, has some amazing things planned for our Women's Ministry. Check out the list below and let us know if you would like to join us!

Upcoming Opportunities:
- North River Village Bible Study: Third Tuesday of every month
- Serve at Wings of Grace: Fourth Tuesday of every month