About Us
Mission: Nehemiah 8:8 So they read from the Book of the Law of God, explaining it and giving insight, so that the people could understand what was being read.
Vision: Equipping Families to Pursue and Point to Jesus at Home.
At North River, your kids are our top priority. In a safe environment, we hope to equip them with Biblical truths that will stay with them for life. Our goal is to partner with parents, invest in your child, and walk alongside them to help them believe in Christ so that we can develop disciples.

On Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights, children will learn Biblical truths through two chronological curriculums, The Gospel Project and Explore the Bible. Each lesson teaches children a story from the Bible, and how to apply it, ending with the gospel. They are also sent home with an at-home lesson, activities, and video to help parents disciple their children from home! Parents will also receive a weekly email with this information.
Weekly Activities
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am
During Wee Worship, preschoolers are equipped with Biblical truths through an interactive lesson that involves all of their senses to help engage all aspects of their brain! They also join Kids' worship for a short music and lesson break-out session before returning to their room for a review of their lesson.
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am
During Kid's Worship, children are equipped with Biblical truths through an interactive lesson in large and small group settings. These truths are reinforced with fun activities and games to help them learn how to apply what they have learned to their lives.
at 6:00 pm
On Wednesday Nights kids will be engaged with fun games, activities, and snacks while learning Biblical Truths in a Large Group setting.

At North River Church, family discipleship is key to helping reach the next generation of believers. To help with this we have given our families access to Right Now Media. This website is full of family devotionals, music, movies, and TV shows for your child that are full of Biblical Truths. Please feel free to create an account and enjoy all of the resources provided.
We have also compiled a list of other resources for parenting! We know parenting can be hard so we want to provide resources to help! The following link has a list of books, songs, devotionals, Bibles, and more for all the challenges life can throw at you!
We have also compiled a list of other resources for parenting! We know parenting can be hard so we want to provide resources to help! The following link has a list of books, songs, devotionals, Bibles, and more for all the challenges life can throw at you!