DLife Bootcamp

Training for a lifestyle of Disciple-making! Join us from 2 - 6pm as we walk through what Dlife is and how we can start making Disciples! Click the link below to register.

The Big Game Show Fundraiser

Join us for a night of fun for the whole family! We will play several game show games and invite the audience to participate. There will also be dinner as we raise money for Thanksgiving Meals!
**Be a part of the games now! Take our survey and your answers will help us fill out the Family Feud portion of the night!

Discover NRC

If you are new to NRC or want to learn more about our mission and who we are, be sure to join us for this 2-part class on October 16 & 23 at 6pm.

Celebration Sunday

Save the Date for November 3 for our annual Celebration Sunday where we look back on all God has blessed NRC with this year and look forward to what He will do in the next year!

Brownie Hitson Fundraiser

Want a copy of our city skyline with NRC’s mission statement? This year for our Brownie Hitson fundraiser we are selling the print! Available for a donation at the Welcome Desk!

Connection Card

Welcome to our church! We're glad you're here. Our team would love to serve you and help you get connected.