Current Overflow Events
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

February 14 - 16 we are joining with churches from around town for Disciple Now! Students grades 6th - 12th are encouraged to sign up and come enjoy a weekend filled with worship, Bible study, and fun! The cost is just $20.

The Students are headed back to Crossings in Jonathan Creek, Kentucky this summer. The dates for camp are June 15 - 19 and early sign up has started! Be sure to register your 6th-12th grader before January 31.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Nights
On Sunday mornings the students gather in the Outback. Each week, we will look at different scriptures and ask questions that allow students to be spiritually fed and then equipped to share with others. Sunday mornings provide the opportunity to show students what it looks like to be a part of the local church and a church family. We want our students to grow and navigate life as a family; it all starts on Sunday! Plus there are free donuts! Who doesn't like that!?
5:00 - 7:00pm
On Sunday nights students have the opportunity to come out and gather in the outback! Students will be led through a quick message by Chris and then have time to fellowship with each other while eating FREE PIZZA! We also have a game night once a month to give students a chance to kick back and relax while we play indoor/outdoor games.
Parent Resources
As an NRC Student Ministry, we believe that our role is to come alongside parents as you seek to disciple your children. One of the ways we do this is by being a resource for parents! Below are several of the resources we have used in lesson planning along with some weekly activity guides for families to pursue discipleship.